Program Information

Program Dates and Times

Program Start and End: Tuesday, May 30th through Thursday, June 22nd (4 weeks)

Core Curriculum Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12pm PDT - 1pm PDT(*)

  • (*) The kickoff session will be Tuesday, May 30th, from 12pm PDT - 1:30pm PDT (this is 90 minutes, versus the usual 60 minutes, to cover logistics and introductions).

Optional Deep Dive Sessions & Talks: More information to come

Program Logistics

Calendar link: Add this calendar link to your Google Calendar

Zoom link: We will be using this same Zoom link (will also be in the Google Calendar events)

  • Note: while core curriculum sessions will be recorded, we will not publish or distribute these recordings beyond 0xPARC and program participants who are unable to make a particular session. Nothing will ever be published in a broader capacity without explicit consent from 100% of people who are in a recording.


  • Join the 0xPARC Discord and reply to this email with your Discord handle so we can give you appropriate permissions. The 0xPARC community Discord server will be the home of asynchronous discussion during the program, and there will be dedicated channels (e.g. ask-any-question) that we’ve found to be conducive to exploration and learning.
  • We will also add you to an announcements-only mailing list that will last the duration of the program. This will only be used to send announcement emails for each session.

If you are unable to make a session

If you are unable to make it to a particular session, please email — we will provide a temporary link to the recording so you can catch up. We understand participants are busy, and that things come up! That said, we hope you can participate live in as many of the sessions as possible =). We’ve deliberately kept things small (we expect around a dozen participants) to encourage questions, the exchange of ideas, and general discussion.


Session 1 (Tuesday May 30) - Introduction to Zero Knowledge

Session 2 (Thursday June 1) - Writing ZK Circuits

Optional Session 1 (Thursday June 1) - Dark Forest

Optional Session 2 (Monday June 5) - More ZK Circuits

Session 3 (Tuesday June 6) - Programmable Cryptography

Session 4 (Thursday June 8) - ZK System Design

Optional Session 3 (TBD) - Build a ZK password verifier solution

Session 5 (Tuesday June 13) - ZK In Data Ecosystems

Session 6 (Thursday June 15) - Performance Trajectory

Optional Session 4 (TBD) - EZKL

Session 7 (Tuesday June 20) - ZK Toolchain

Session 8 (Tuesday June 22) - Future of ZK